Asia Pacific Transgender Network
Asia Pacific Transgender Network (APTN) provides a platform for trans and gender diverse people to engage in community-to-community learning, build organisational capacity through workshops, and develop programme planning, implementation and evaluation of projects.
APTN works with a range of partners, globally and across Asia and the Pacific, to support, organize, and advocate for comprehensive healthcare and the protection of legal, social, and human rights for trans and gender diverse people. These collaborators include trans communities, academia, the health sector, multilateral and bilateral agencies, governmental organisations and NGOs, donors, and other stakeholders.
Since its founding in 2009, APTN has published several key reports, policy and technical briefs, in partnership with other community-based groups and multilateral organisations, that have been used to inform policy and laws.
อีเมล์ :
---- เบอร์โทรศัพท์ : 0200066670