Teso Peace and Human Rights Development Initiative-Kenya
Teso Peace and Human Rights Development Initiative is a peace and rights organization in Western Kenya championing among other set of rights women rights. Our vision is a world of justice and peace whereas our mission statement is to promote Community involvement in enhancing justice, reconciliation, peace, culture and good governance in Kenya.
Gender based violence targeting women is still very common in an African set up and more so in Western Kenya. Usually it takes the form of wife beating, verbal insults, denial of basic needs, disinheritance and being loaded with manual labor to the extent that women lack time for relaxation and leisure.
The practice is even worse in situations where illiteracy is deep rooted. In those cases women are not empowered to know criminal trial process nor their rights personally. That kind of scenario puts women in need of justice vulnerable to abuse by the law enforcement officers who demand for cash or sexual favors to have their cases processed. It is at that point that many gender based violence cases get dropped and culprits go scot free and the culture of impunity and violence continues. So poverty and ignorance are the reasons why gender based violence continue to thrive in an African set up.
The effects of the beastly behavior of gender based violence include; brutal killings, bodily harm, maim disinheritance, displacement and lowering the dignity of the victims.
The cycle of gender based violence has to be stopped. All culprits of gender based violence have to meet the force of the law to deter further occurrence. Women have to be supported to enjoy their human rights, to have their P3 forms duly filled in by competent medical officers, provision of legal aid, temporary shelter as well as provision of fare and lunches during hearings of their cases. As a civil society organization championing women rights, we need approximately USD 9000 per annum to be able to handle gender based issues.
Gender based violence cases are overwhelming and women are not getting supported. As volunteers we shall have work to do once we get funds. We promise to acknowledge with thanks all our well wishers and donors.
อีเมล์ : okisai2013@gmail.com
---- เบอร์โทรศัพท์ : 0724201536