Teso Peace and Human Rights Development Initiative-Kenya
Vision:A world of justice and peace.
Mission:To promote Community involvement in enhancing justice, reconciliation, peace, culture and good governance in Kenya.
Reference:Rapid Conflict and Security Analysis Report;Bungoma County (Kenya) Page 27 Line 47 BY Safer world-??Note: TEPEHURDI as a local organization present a perfect example of a
dedicated group of peace builders and human right promoters who have taken up
with conviction, the role of strengthening peace and security amidst huge existing
financial and administrative constraints the organization is facing. This is one
organization that is widely acknowledged, respected by residents living in
Bungoma and can form a model organizations for other smaller local
We request support for the following activities;
1.Tree Planting for Peace
2.Sports for Peace
3.Civic Education on Conflicts and Human Rights
4.Nutrition for People Living With Disability
อีเมล์ : tepehurdi@yahoo.com
---- เบอร์โทรศัพท์ : 0724201536
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