Another Refugee Family on their way to freedom!
In the last month, another of our dear RefuFree families has been called to & completed their biometric test to proceed with their sponsorship to Canada.
This wonderful family of 5 - mum, dad and 3 children (aged from preschool to junior high) - have been 'doing time for no crime' in Thailand for 10 long years.
Based on average timeframes, they expect to be invited to take up their sponsorship within a few months! They have visa, flights & other basic travel costs covered.
All they need now are the funds to clear immigration in Bangkok.
(20,000thb per adult and 10,000thb per child over 5 yrs)
This is your chance to be part of giving a family freedom after 10 long years.
Please give whatever you can to help - even a prayer or share will show you care!
Thank you so much!
Julia Hall, RefuFree