Aware of the existence of poverty, I, Zhu Shu Yi, on behalf of Bangkok Christian International School, would like to offer my abilities to purge this major crisis of humanity that has never been solved throughout centuries. Having an idea of organizing an awareness raising/fundraising concert during the early 2019 in a popular concert venue, the GMM Live House in Bangkok, I will have all profit raised in the concert given to the charity and perform up to around 8 songs, either composed or rearranged by myself that all target and focus on the idea of poverty, raising the awareness. I have planned to divide the concert into three “phases” or stages, with the first stage featuring the life and the emotions of those in poverty, the second stage focusing on the questioning of the inability/unwillingly of people with opportunity to aid those in poverty, and the third stage concluding the concert through the joining of poor and the rich, symbolizing equality, as well as striking a message of “hope” that this problem will one day be solved.
However, I alone can't make this plan happen without the support and donation from multiple people. With the price of the rental fee set at 900,000 Baht (around 27200 Dollars), I could only offer and invest at most 500,000 Baht (around 15100 Dollars). Therefore, the rest of the money needed could only be gathered through donations and sponsorship. I hereby request for your support in my campaign seeking to purge poverty. All sorts of support will be greatly appreciated.
Right now, I am in an attempt to cooperate and work with Bangkok Charity Orchestra (BCO) in my project of purging poverty through awareness raising/fundraising concert.