Hi everyone, My name's Byrd who's born in 26-06-1986. My Hometown is Bangkok and I've got 2 sisters and 1 brother I was a little baby of family.
I've been 15 years glowing from a bit crazy in Government's apartment size 50 sqm with 14-15 peoples live with us, There're my mom cousin from Chiangmai most of theme is teenage girls. I've a few hour per day or never met mom and dad cuz both are full-time Policeman, There're busy work that's reason why I'm glow up with 10+ teenage girls to takecare of me and I'm pretty sure why I'm gay cuz I'm always got deeply touch and trust women morethan men.
My Older Brother name's ' Bomb' he was born in 5-12-1981, He's glowing with Grandpa & Grandma (both are policeman also) in 304 city. Cuz he's stay there for take care GP&GM health. He was move to BKK for study in high school on 15 yo. until 18 yo. He's go to be Military after graduate and never comeback BKK.
My Life When I was young til teenage I've try very hard to alive from Police's family community. There's most of Drug's Addicted Kids and Desperately Housewife who's Alcoholic,Gambling. I've remember about my teenage time was spended a lot of time to takecare many best friend to Mete Addicted Rehab Center, Many Children and Teenage were have a problem so much and I'll live alive myself from that fantasy community,
I've always Proof my life is always good But in my parents opinion I'm never pass with any Trusted! There're always believe another gossip and blamed to me. We're always havn't good in conversation Until One day there're punch me on face cuz I'm just try to explain about reason what I'm never do. It's the reason to taked me to run away from family and going to working when I'm just 16 yo.
I've looking work hard in many jobs for my study budget in many years till Graduation from University and start my own business when I'm 21 yo.
In 1997 My Business has almost end cuz political crisis There're closed airport almost 6 months and after that always problem over for 10 years, I try hard to pushed up my business better by social media shop and glowing up again.
Until in 2018 I've cash 3m usd in my bank and 2 cars. I've start open new restaurants and branches for my family cuz Dad&Mom was retired with a bit commission. Everything gonna be good restaurants successful and going on TV shows,
When first COVID-19 come and attack me and my business. Our Government and official TV News always broadcast only wierd communications.I've must pay 30% for GP to sell my resturant on delivery app but not cover for benefits.
I've to carey employee with my 4 business career and I've to take care my sister and her kids cuz her company was cutoff salary 60% then in 2019 - 2020 I've monthly cost for 10,000 usd, I've try harder and harder to protected my family life and business and never register for any goverment help projects Cuz I want this opputunity for who's want this much more than me And Try to take by myself but Goverment never confirm and provide the right way to this problem.
Then 3rd COVID has Exploded me. I must leave out of my family and many friends, People around me who's going crazy and weired,I think they're doing for wrong ways to used kind of theory. This's so torrible and now they're choose to buy and spend money and believe only for horoscope say or something, That's really was crazy
I'm start to talking with family for the reason and I want to stop all business cuz I'm no money anymore.
But there're say " I Would to know and Must Be Understand If I'm Not Theme maybe I've leaving to die " it's shocked to me for knowing the truth from my parents about me, They say
" I'm not real son, My Real Dad is from Japan and my Mom from Thai she has die from Breast cancer when I was born just 3 months, My mother has another 2 sisters in BKK but was murdered in next 2-3 years ago after my mom was die, My step Dad was one of Policeman team for this case and he must to taking care on me cuz never been anyone to finding for me.
It's was broken and distroyed me, All stressed that's make me feel sick. All the time I'm always feel different from anyone in my life all the time. I've got many big problem but I'm always passed But not for this time, It's too much for me, I've going for rehabilitation for 3 months now I've to started again but with not money, I was moving to rent apartment alone, I've already lefted everyone of my life.
I've to sell my own house and I've sell all everthing I've got taking by 20 years from my hard work now dissappeared just in 2 and a half year.
In my 35 years now I must to STRONGER, COLDER, FEARLESS and HUNGER more to survivor ?
Am I wrong ? I'm always do best in right way Why I'm losing all Please help me think about this...
I'm Always be the Fighter and I've surely I must to stay alive for Share my experiences , All Everything you read was the truth about my real life Story This's just 20% part of my --cking life,
if u wanna know about me more please contact : bc.cosmate@gmail.com
Please help me starting my life for business again, I've been give up and try to end this suck life many time. I'm not ideas and nothing to changed for money anymore