
Microtia Treatment Campaign for Burmese Youth


สร้างขึ้นเมื่อวันที่ 06 พฤษภาคม 2566


B'UNIQ (be unique) is a personal brand by Thar Htoo (Be Unique) who was born with Microtia in his right ear. What is Microtia? It is a congenital deformity of the outer ear where the ear does not fully develop during the first trimester of pregnancy. (Stanford Medicine Children's Health) I am raising an awareness on Microtia and expecting to get some funding for people with Microtia from Myanmar. People with Microtia do have difficulties such as, balancing issues, hearing difficulties, eye sight weaknesses and can resulted in facial paralysis. Your every dollar counts and I will be carefully be using those for this cause. As I have gone through the same, I really feel for people with Microtia and how uncomfortable and low confidence in their day to day life. Your donation can greatly transform our lives! I believe we are born with be 'unique', so be unique and be you! Thank you very much for your generosity. Your help is greatly appreciated! Thar Htoo (Be Unique)

อีเมล์ : tharhtoobeunique@gmail.com ---- เบอร์โทรศัพท์ : +66 (0)946816394

21 เดือนที่แล้ว


My name is Thar Htoo (Be Unique) and I was also born with Microtia. And I am here to raise a cause for people born with Microtia especially from Myanmar. To explain about what is Microtia, it occurs 1 in ten thousand births and children with Microtia have some deformities in their right or left side ears. (Underdeveloped ears ranging from Grade 1-4: meaning degrees or levels of deformity in an ear)  In other word, it is an ear deformity that can result in hearing losses, poor eyesight, balance issues and facial paralysis. 

I myself went through such a difficult time being born with Microtia and I feel the same for people with Microtia for how they have been going through. Regarding the treatment, there are no exact clinics or hospitals that provide services for surgery for Microtia sector in Myanmar. So obviously patients of Microtia have to seek the treatment in neighbouring countries like Thailand or India. I have also undergone the surgery in Thailand. As you know the cost of Microtia Treatment is quite high and it can be range from 200,000- 300,000 THB per patient for the entire process. 

You may be wondering what can your donation be done with this. Well, your every  dollar counts regardless of how much it is. It can be used for patient with Microtia in their medication and treatment process. So far only a few health NGOs are taking and supporting this treatment but the priority for Microtia Patients is low. I was quite lucky that I was supported by an NGO that time as the priority was high, but now it became less priority and now I am raising my voice for helping people with Microtia. 

As of now, I found my personal brand, B'UNIQ (Be Unique) and I am also raising funding myself as much as I can from different channels of my own and plus I am also spreading the news on assessible platforms to raise awareness and fund raising process. Your every dollar counts and it will be used in a hundreds percent for Microtia treatment process. 

My Target as of Now:

-To Provide Funding for up to 5 Microtia Patients 

-The Funding will be used in their Surgery and Medication

-And also will help for the emergency causes for people with Microtia. 

If you need more information or would like to ask further questions, please feel free to reach out to me at @tharhtoobeunique at Telegram or email me at tharhtoobeunique@gmail.com. I'll be very happy to assist and explain you with it.

Thank you very much for your time, support and generosity. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!

Always remember we're born to be unique! So be unique, and be you!

#TharHtooBeUnique #BUNIQ #Microtia


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1 การบริจาค
21 เดือนที่แล้ว
508 THB
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