My name is Francoise and I run a sanctuary with 100 dogs and cats in Thailand.
I arrived here 18 years ago with my 4 Belgian cats and I soon discovered that so many dogs and cats living on the street were in desperate need of help with their health, food and most importantly a loving home.
Very quickly the well-being of animals left to their fate became my only purpose in life.
I truly dedicate 100% of my time in this cause which has allowed many rescues and changed the sad life of abandoned, mistreated, sick creatures
BUT as I am working on the field every single day I don’t have the time to find funds which creates a enormous stress I have to live with.
Therefore this is a cry for help as our financial situation is dramatic at the moment.
The Sanctuary rely’s 100% on donations and sponsorships and we have been quite unfortunate lately to have lost sponsors and one time donations.
With about 5000 baht on the account I don’t know how to pay for food from next week on and we have many open bills.
-yearly car insurance 8143,77TH
-six month pest control (very needed as we live in the jungle)
-our last veterinary bill 17,510TH (treatment of the sick ones and medications)
Aside of those costs I would like to raise money to cover the Sanctuary costs for the 6 next months as the sponsorships only pay for half of the monthly expenses at the moment.
I also take care (deworming, tick and flea traitement or other care if needed) and feed street dogs in the neighbourhood.
Several of the animals at the Sanctuary are disabled and therefore need special care.
Plse help me provide for them.
I am very desperate at this time.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read and for your help.
The animals and myself are forever grateful