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Free Yoga Community Samui

101,994 THB
Raised by 25 persons in 1690 days
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Free Yoga Community Samui
The Free Yoga Community offers yoga classes to all people who would like to practice yoga but can't afford the classes. Classes are offered free to all, and by donation only for those who can afford. The Free Yoga Community Samui (FYCS) operates as an operates as an Alliance Partner with EcoThailand (a registered charity).
Email : ---- Phone : +66927379705

The Story
56 months ago


Do an ONLINE YOGA CLASS and help support Thai people in need.

Your donation will help local Thai families in need with their medical bills and food essentials.

Donations received by the Free Yoga Community Samui helps to improve the lives of local Thai people in need through financial support for medical bills, and food and household essentials for Thai families on very low or no income.

All teachers volunteer their time, and the studios offer their space for free. So there are no overhead costs for us to deduct from the donations.

Donations are poured back into the Thai community. We have been able to help fund a Thai ritual for a deceased loved one, supported hardworking single mothers, pay for ongoing medicine for a young Thai man who has suffered from daily epileptic seizures for over 22 years. 

We are currently supporting Ken, a Thai lady as she undergoes kidney dialysis and prepares for a kidney transplant later this year.  We also provide essentials to baby Gao and her family who are currently without work.

There are many families on the island of Koh Samui who need a little support during this time.  Our island relies on tourism, and many families have lost their income due to the economic downturn caused by COVID-19.

Link to Online Yoga classes (YouTube):

We appreciate any support you can provide!

Update from August 02 2021
42 months ago

We received some good news from Ken. She is on the fast track for her kidney transplant. A kind and generous sponsor has offered to pay for the transplant surgery and will also be her kidney donor. For the next two months Ken must focus on her health and prepare for the surgery. She still needs to go for dialysis every 2 days and they have to pay 1500-1900 Baht each time. If you’d like to support Ken’s dialysis you can donate here on our Weeboon campaign. 

At the moment Samui has a Covid outbreak, and we have not been teaching as many donation classes as usual. So your online donation will really help Ken.

Update from September 28 2020
53 months ago

Can you help? We are raising donations urgently to help Khun Ken. They need to raise 200,000 THB for a coronary angiogram/balloon angioplasty - before October 9.

Ken is in the final stages in preparation for her Kidney Transplant surgery (under the Kings Project). But her last test on 24th September revealed some constricted vessels at the heart.

They have booked Ken in for an angiogram on October 9th. But unfortunately the cost is not included in the King’s project. Also timing is critical, firstly for Ken’s health - and also the King’s project funding for free transplant surgery will be over at the end of this year.

This is a huge setback for Ken and her partner Maggi. We heard that Ken feels that this latest challenge is insurmountable.

Let’s see if we can come together and support Ken and Maggi. Let’s help them raise some money for the coronary angiogram/balloon angioplasty.

Thanks for all of your kind support - your donations and by attending our Community yoga classes we have been able to provide financial support towards Ken’s dialysis and doctors fees over the past year.

PS. Do you know anyone who might want to buy a coffee machine? Maggi has a professional coffee machine that she’s selling to go towards the medical costs. It’s priced at 90,000 THB (negotiable).

Update from September 16 2020
53 months ago

Right now, we are doing our best to provide some financial support Ken, a 51 year old Thai lady, in the lead up to her Kidney transplant. She continues dialysis in the lead up to her surgery, which we hope will go ahead in the next 1-2 months (October or November 2020). There's a lot of tests to be done this month, to ensure the donor kidney (from her sister) is a good match. And there's still lots of doctors bills to be paid. If you are in a position to help, please make a donation to our online site, or directly into the EcoThailand bank account.When you support the Free Yoga Community, you support people like Ken. Thank you!

Update from June 29 2020
56 months ago

How your support will help Baby Gao

Community Yogi Sandrine first met baby Gao when she was just a few days old in December 2019. Sandrine could see that the family needed essential supplies for a new born baby, and approached us to provide ongoing support to the family.

The Free Yoga Community will supports baby Gao's family by purchasing nappies, baby formula and other supplies to help the little girl and her family.

Over the past couple of months we were able to provide a cot and some second hand clothes donated by expats living on Samui, as well as some much needed rice, drinking water and other supplies to help them manage during the COVID times.

Update from June 29 2020
56 months ago

How your support will help Kiew

Provide Epilepsy medication and ongoing medical support as required to Kiew, a 26yo young Thai man.  Kiew lives with his mother, who is currently out of work (due to COVID).

Kiew’s medicine, ‘Dilantin’, costs 550 THB per month. Without this medicine he was having multiple seizures each day, and was unable to participate in normal activities.

In the past the FYSC has paid for Kiew’s hospital, doctor and dental expenses (including CT scan and appointments with the specialist)

Update from June 29 2020
56 months ago

How your support will help Ken

Contribute towards the costs of Ken’s (Sirawan Limsari) medical treatment for kidney dialysis and other medical costs leading up to her kidney transplant.  

Funds provided to date: For the period from 6 November 2019 to 30 June 2020 the FYCS has provided financial support to the value of 218.503 THB.  

Ken would not survive without the support from the FYCS, and we really hope we can continue to provide support through to the end of her Kidney Transplant (the surgery itself will be funded through the King’s project “Kidney transplant with the different blood group”).

Photo (from left to right): Ken, her partner Maggi and Tammy. We met up at MyCafe at the end of May, just before Ken travelled back to Bangkok to continue her treatment.  Ken had been in Samui during COVID.

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First donor
500 THB

Top contributor
20,000 THB

25 Donations
24 months ago
3,677 THB
With Love❤️
37 months ago
20,000 THB
38 months ago
9,500 THB
Sabine Stahl
Donation to the Free Yoga Community Samui, especially to the Learning Center Kids Yoga. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone from Germany, Sabine
39 months ago
100 THB
42 months ago
4,500 THB
Sabine Stahl
Here's my donation for July! :-)
Sending love feom Germany, Sabine
43 months ago
300 THB
for yesterday's candle lit yoga-class
43 months ago
10,000 THB
edo jansen
44 months ago
4,500 THB
Sabine Stahl
Sorry for the delay... My donation for May! Love from Germany, Sabine
45 months ago
4,000 THB
Mark and Jayne
Keep up the amazing work
45 months ago
3,400 THB
Sabine Stahl
My donation to the Free Yoga Community Samui for April. Sorry for being late...
Love from Germany, Sabine

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