Hello! My name is Anna. And I really want to fulfill the dream of my 9 year old daughter Lisa. Every March in her life, we flew to Thailand. My daughter simply adores Bangkok, Krabi, Koh Samui and Phangan. The last time we flew out of Thailand was in March 2020 and promised our daughter would definitely return! But quarantine due to covid-2019 does not allow us to do this. We were unable to accumulate enough money. We cannot pay for the quarantine hotel costs, it is very expensive. My daughter is very upset and wants to help us earn the missing money. She draws very beautifully and wants to sell her drawings in order to save money for a quarantine hotel. My daughter will be very happy if she can help with her drawings to save up the missing amount of money for quarantine at the hotel. She is very sad that we cannot fly on a trip, so we will be very grateful to everyone who can help us fulfill her dreams.
P.S. you can see her paintings here: instagram.com/ptichka_kiwi