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Retinal detachment multioperation for Kenneth

2,949 THB / 350,000 THB
Raised by 3 persons in 1190 days
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The Story
39 months ago

Hello, My name is Kenneth. I am a musician, working in Phuket Thailand.A week ago I was experiencing something in my left eye. I just got my new lenses so I was wondering what might be wrong. It started with my vision getting more blurry and something was floating in the air which i learned was eye floaters, a bit of flashes like camera flashes and later on a shadow like curtain that blocks my left side pheripheral view.

On the first two days during this symptoms, I was a bit worried that I bought some eye drops thinking it could help fix the problem. But as days go on it was getting more worst that I decided to get it check from the clinic. I went to check all the clinic in my area, including lens shops,  but for some reason they cannot see nor detect anything. They advised me to get it check with an eye specialist. And so, within that day, without wasting any more time I rushed to Patong hospital.

Just like the other clinic they can't tell what's wrong inside. After a few test,the doctor who was checking advised me to see an eye specialist at Bangkok hospital coz they don't have the right equiptment needed to check my eye.

The next day, I walked in to Bangkok Hospital. I went through different test with all the machines and stuff to check the inside of my eye. Then they told me that my case needs to see a retina specialist because they found something wrong with my retina.I made an appointment the next day for the eye dilation test but I was short of money that I had no choice but to move it for another day.

Then the day of the appointment came, I was lead to a dark room,had my left eye dilated so the retina specialist can thoroughly check what's wrong.  And after a few test I was able to meet the retina specialist.
Dr. Captain, a well known top retina specialists in Thailand checked my eyes and after a few minutes explained to me what happened.

           He said that my case is severe and requires immediate action because 40% of my retina is  already detached and its possible that i will need multioperations for it to be successful.
I asked how much it costs and he gave me his estimation that starts from 170k-200k thai baht.
He suggest that I should go for a government hospital like Vachira or University Hospital near the border in hatyai. And if I have any insurance it will help lessen the price a bit. Unfortunately, within that day I found out that my social security expired a month ago.

With a heavy heart, I went straight to Vachira hospital to get their price estimation.The price was the same  but with the help of my working permit I was granted a 20 %discount.

            I asked around to get some help and support from friends here in thailand because i need to raise the said amount in a short period of time and start my operation. The doctor said the more I prolong it the more it will be complicated to operate.

             With the help of our boss, I can do the  initial operation this coming 26th of April.
It was a ray of hope and I was beyond grateful.

I will be admitted early morning on Monday. The operation will start in the afternoon around 4:30.
Hoping eveything will be okay.

             After the operation, I still need to go another one after 6 months to remove the oil they will put inside my retina.
            I am humbly knocking on your good hearts to support me mentally and spiritually and help me raise the amount needed for my operation for the upcoming months.

They said the price may fluctuate depends on the condition of my eye after the first operation.
Any amount will be a great help.
I understand everyone is going through some hardship specially this time of pandemic.
I wish everyone to be safe  and stay safe and healthy. Godbless everyone.

For donations you can also send it directly to his account

acct number:0928302857
acct name:Kenneth De Vera Candappa
Swift code: KASITHBK

Update from May 08 2021
39 months ago

hello, its been 2 days since we went for his eye check up. The doctor said it was doing well and it was progressing well without the swelling outside. He was put into several eye exam to check his vision. He was able to see some images but not the details and everytime he was asks to say what he was seeing his eyes were tearing up.

After that, he was put into eye dilation to check his retina and so far it was visible compare to last week. Doctor said there was still a blood clot left inside that's why he can't see things clearly but it'll eventually be gone as long as we continue his medication. 

He was still advised to do the posturing until the next appointment which is in 3 weeks.

Update from May 04 2021
39 months ago

This is his 9th day after his operation and his 6th day after he was discharged from hospital.

This morning, the swell on his eyes popped. We dont know how it happened but we are guessing maybe he accidently put some pressure on his eye while he was sleeping.
I was trembling because the gauze was drenched with liquid mix with blood. When i opened the patch it was bleeding a bit. I immediately clean the area of his eye and ask him if he was feeling painful. He said he was ok.After some time, the bleeding has stopped.

There is 1 day left before his doctors appointment .His eye looked a bit better apparently. I hope the popping thing is just normal and to be expected.

Update from April 30 2021
39 months ago

First, We want to thank our friends for the donation we received recently from this campaign and to our friends who spared some time finding ways to send their financial help for us. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Today is the 5th day after his operation. I keep asking him how is he feeling from time time.Checking his temperature and giving his oral medicines and drops on time.

 I can't really tell if there is any improvements yet coz it pretty much look the same to me. But the good thing is he can sleep much more with his posturing and he is eating much better now.

Hoping and praying he will recover in time❤️

photo is from today while putting his 2nd eye drop. 

Update from April 29 2021
39 months ago

Got discharged from hospital yesterday before the bill hits the ceiling. After explaining the details of his situation and what happened in the operation room, our doctor advise us to be very careful and maintain his posturing at all times for the surgery to be very successful.He also mention that other than retinal detachment he also found a lattice degeneration inside that makes the operation a complex one but in the end he did his very best and assure the operation was successful and all depends on Ken's recovery.

Today is the 4th day, he is feeling ok.The swelling is still there and abit of blood stain when i cleaned the surround of his left eye. We were able to find ways to keep his posture and at the same time lessen the strain on his neck, back and shoulders. And did our. very best to take all his eye drops and medicine on the dot. We will be back to check with the doctor on Thursday (May 6) and hopefully there will be a  progress. 

Update from April 28 2021
39 months ago

Our third day at Mahogany Convenient Healthcare. Long way to go and still recoving. Waiting for the doctor to check his swelling eye. Hopefully  they will agree to let him be treated at home coz the bills keep getting high even thoughthis is the best place for him,the truth is its scary the price is exceeding our budget

Update from April 27 2021
39 months ago

He had a successful operation. Thanks to all the prayers and donations for making it possible. Now it's he is recovering and was suggestes to stay in the hospital for another 2-3 days tomonitor the bleeding and inflammation and to reducethe risk of complication.

He was bit in pain and was not allowed to sleep with his back but with his face down to keep the oil inside and his retina attach. 

Update from April 26 2021
39 months ago

April 26,2021 Monday 9am

He's put into an IV drip and is not allowed to drink and eat until the time of operation. 

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First donor
100 THB

Top contributor
1,630 THB
Get well soon kenneth

3 Donations
39 months ago
1,219 THB
Peter Ahn
get well soon bro
39 months ago
1,630 THB
Get well soon kenneth
39 months ago
100 THB

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