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A last call for help


The Story
9 months ago


Thank you for taking the time to read about my story. I am a 27 year old girl half Belgium and half Thai. To make a very long story short, my appearance would never reveal what’s going on.

For years I have suffered 3 chronic diseases. Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Colitis Ulcerosa and the disease of Bechterew. This all is the result of a whole childhood being abused physically and emotionally.

As a result to living in such a dangerous environment, I never learned the value of myself nor boundaries. Which caused me to experience te be taken advantage of, be stolen from for 50k euro, be attacked, bullied and threatened daily.

After years of therapy’s, specialist, doctors and treatments, I wanted to give up. I begged for the procedure of euthanasia while my dad kept fighting for a solution, knowing there was no cure. He made a deal to get me to move to Thailand as a last attempt to find happiness for myself. I accepted and went to a mental hospital before the big move. Just so I could be safe from the people who still try to hurt and bully me until this very day.

Being in Thailand for 5 months now has not brought good luck unfortunately. Here I got the chance to experience once again threatening, bullying and nothing but daily pain due to the stress. I still keep on fighting because I do want to give it my all before I decide to give up and get my procedure.

I’ve been struggling to hold on to a job due to unimaginable circumstances like being attacked by your boss (physical). I really try to go and work but my body just makes it impossible.

This is why I hope you are willing to help me lift one of my burdens by giving me a donation. I now earn 600 baht a day, but I don’t know how long my body will be able to keep working. Please help me win this fight so I can still make a little part of it beautiful.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to read my story. Life is beautiful and I pray everyday to get to enjoy it.

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