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Help Chris Menning Fight Cancer & Find Hope


The Story
11 months ago

Hello, friends and supporters,

I am reaching out to share a story of courage, resilience, with the hope to tap into the power of community. Our dear friend, Christopher Menning is fighting the battle of their life against cancer, and we are coming together to offer our unwavering support.

Just a few months ago, Chris received the life-altering news that they have been diagnosed with a particularly rare and agressive type of cancer. It came as a shock to all of us who know and love him, but Chris is a fighter, and he is not giving up without a good one!

Since the diagnosis, Chris has embarked on a challenging journey of chemotherapy to beat this formidable opponent. Despite the physical and emotional toll, he remains positive, determined, and hopeful that better days lie ahead.

As we all know, cancer treatments can be financially overwhelming. Medical bills, procedures, and therapies add up quickly, creating a significant burden for Christopher and his family. That's where you come in – your support can make a world of difference in this fight against cancer.

How You Can Help?
We have set up this crowdfunding campaign to rally around Chris during this difficult time. Your generous donations will directly contribute to easing the financial strain of medical expenses, allowing him to focus on what truly matters – healing and recovery.

Remember, every contribution, no matter the size, matters greatly and will be deeply appreciated. In this journey, we are stronger together, and your kindness will have a lasting impact on Chri's life.

If you can't contribute financially, you can still help! Sharing this campaign with your friends, family, and social network can help amplify our message and reach a broader audience.

Thank you for being a part of Chris's support network. Let us surround him with love, hope, and positive energy, and together, let's make a difference in this fight against cancer.

Please keep Chris in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate this challenging road ahead. We are immensely grateful for your support.

With love and gratitude.

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First donor
1,776 THB

Top contributor
5,000 THB
Choti Leenutaphong
Never give up, Christopher! Sending all the loves and supports to you!

16 Donations
10 months ago
5,000 THB
Andy and Jenny Gale
So proud of you Chris. Love Uncle Andy and Aunty Jenny xxx
10 months ago
1,656 THB
Kenneth Moore
United States get well soon
10 months ago
5,000 THB
Emma Thompson
From all of us at Tropic City
11 months ago
2,000 THB
Evan Buri
Stay strong buddy
11 months ago
100 THB
After every storm comes the sun. Happiness is waiting for you ahead.
11 months ago
5,000 THB
11 months ago
888 THB
U got this buddy ! Just keep focus on fighting and live the life
11 months ago
1,876 THB
Goy kin
11 months ago
5,000 THB
Andreas Baasch
Soon we will drink Martinis together again!
11 months ago
1,000 THB
Sven Maywald

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