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Feed the Elephants

38,877 THB / 540,000 THB
Raised by 28 persons in 1284 days
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The Story
42 months ago

Dear All  ♡


Elephants have suffered just as much as people during the last year.

During the global Covid-19 crisis
Last year In Pai, Thailand we went from 12 to 8 elephants. 4 had to be sold to have the economy to feed and take care of the rest.

We are 4 Camps, Thom’s-, Karen’s-, Twin’s- and Noi’s Elephant camp.
We now have only 2 elephants left each camp.

Visitors who come to our camps are normally the only resource we have to pay for food and medicine for our elephant family. With the number of visitors going down to almost none, we can't help worry about the future of our elephants. 

We are now in the second lockdown in Thailand, and therefore facing our toughest time ever.

Now that the dry season has started and there is much less to eat in the jungle, we really need your support. This time of the year is when we buy the most food from the farmers. 

A grown elephant eats around 10% of their bodyweight, approximately 300/350kg of food a day, and with one of our elephants being the biggest female in Thailand weighing 4tons, she Eats around 400kg per day.

As the situation is getting worse than ever. We don't know how long we can keep feeding our animals.

This is the reason we are asking for your help.

Our goal is to raise 540.000 Baht. This will all go to feeding and caring for the elephants for the next few months, including medical care, and a diversity in the diet adding fruits. 

Furthermore we are working on changing the way elephant tourism works. Moving away from saddled riding tours, to instead having tours walking up the mountains with the elephants for feeding, and taking the elephants for bathing in the river.

All donations count, small as big, as we believe a lot of smaller streams can make a big river of life changing help.

We seek help from all who love animals and elephants, and hope to receive help from those of you who are in Thailand as from those who are not.

For those of you that are interested in visiting us, we offer a one day tour voucher. If you are currently in Thailand you can come to use it right away, and if you are not, the voucher can be used as the traveling from your country opens up.
To qualify for this, you need to donate 2500 baht per person ( 5000 baht is a 2 person voucher, etc.), share your donation post on facebook (or twitter) and contact us via email: with the title “Voucher” and we will send you a receipt for your voucher. 

It is optional if you want to take advantage of this offer. For those of you who don't plan to visit but are kindhearted elephant lovers, we happily accept all donation amounts. 

We hope you realize that we love and cherish our elephant family very much. At the moment we are very concerned for them. Which is why we are asking for your support. 

Normally we do not like to ask for money, but right now we need your help.

Please Help our elephant family.

Thank you.

Love from The Elephants in Pai

Update from October 21 2021
33 months ago

Thanks for the support in the last month! 

3rd Round of country lockdown hit harder than expected, and people who have been able to visit our elephants have been almost none.

Therefore we will like to give special thanks to the people who helped or donated in the last few months.

We can inform you that all 8 elephants are still with us and they are healthy and happy, with the help of heavy rainfall and green grassy mountains making it possible to feed our elephants through the long lockdown.

Your donations will be an important support for the season's healthcare and medical supplies for the elephants. As well as the opportunity to add some extra important fruits and nutrition to their diet.

Big thanks and love from the heart of the Pai Elephant Family

Update from October 21 2021
33 months ago

Update from October 21 2021
33 months ago

Special thanks to Tony for your generous donation last month 

Update from October 21 2021
33 months ago

Update from October 21 2021
33 months ago

Update from February 02 2021
42 months ago

Update from February 02 2021
42 months ago

Update from February 02 2021
42 months ago

Update from February 02 2021
42 months ago

Update from February 02 2021
42 months ago

On behalf of our elephant family We want to say thank you for the amazing start to our campaign. We hope you all will keep sharing the campaign and donating, so that we can help our elephants get the care needed. Even tough there is still a long way to go, this gives us hope that we will reach our goal

Update from February 02 2021
42 months ago

Update from February 02 2021
42 months ago

Update from January 30 2021
42 months ago

If you want to donate and you have a Krungsri debitcard we are sorry to inform you that it does not work at the moment. We have contacted Weeboon, Krungsri and SiamPay and they are working on a solution. 

We will inform you as soon as the issue is resolved. The other payment methods are working. 

Sorry for the inconvinience

All the best from all of us

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First donor
1,000 THB
Happy to help the elephants. Hope you can reach your goal

Top contributor
10,000 THB
Happy to help these beautiful animals with food and care during this difficult time!

28 Donations
35 months ago
5,000 THB
Tony Rakonic
God bless you all.
35 months ago
5,000 THB
Tony Rakonic
God bless you all.
39 months ago
1,000 THB
อัญรินทร์ เรืองนิธ...
ช่วยเหลือเพื่อนช้าง.. ให้มีอาหาร
40 months ago
1,000 THB
มนทนันต์ อาร์มอง...
40 months ago
999 THB
40 months ago
2,260 THB
41 months ago
500 THB
42 months ago
1,215 THB
Henning & Lisbet
42 months ago
200 THB
Sending love and light for change pai
42 months ago
100 THB

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