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Help A Daughter Save Her Father

33,817 THB / 200,000 THB
Raised by 21 persons in 728 days
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The Story
24 months ago


I am a daughter who's afraid to lose her father before she gets her life together...I am Mika. I am a Filipina currently working and living in Thailand. But this post is not about me, but the most important man in my life. My hero.

I was barely 3 years old when my mom and dad separated. If I could turn back time, and if I were old enough back then, I would've asked my father to stay. But things happen for a reason, and I still don't know what the reason was, but all I know is it made me stronger and love him even more.

Pardon me as I cry while typing this...

My dad, Cenon, has been diagnosed with cancer. Truth be told, I wasn't ready for this. I knew at some point we'd have to say good bye to our parents, but I didn't expect it would be this way. You can imagine how tough the start of our 2023 is. I can still recall that morning he told me the doctor said there's a 90 to 99% possibility that it's cancer. With that, I still had hope it was not the case -- until it got confirmed after his biopsy.

Before he could undergo chemotherapy and rad therapy, he needs to undergo two operations of his intentines as he's not able to defecate (poop) properly because of a tumor inside his tract. Without the operation, his body will just keep absorbing toxins and things could get worse. All these things he needs to undergo would cost a lot. The operation - around PHP 170,000 (107k THB), chemotherapy- PHP 41,000/session x 6 to 8 sessions (157k THB to 210k THB), rad therapy - PHP 2,800/session x 28 sessions (50k THB) and Planning Fee PHP 17,000 . It is a bit difficult to collect donation that would cover all this, but if this works, we'll humbly ask for help again.

The money will go towards his operation and a few sessions of chemotherapy. It will help us a lot if we can gather the money for these two first. My aunts and uncles are kindly helping us out, but with my money and theirs, we can't do it by ourselves. We need helping hands.

This is important to me because I want to save the man who is one of the reasons why I'm alive...why I'm working hard..why I'm holding on.

Any help would be appreciated. I am not asking for big donations. Even the smallest amounts can make a big difference when put together. Someday, I'll be able to give back to the community. But for now, I hope you can help me.

To close this part, I just want to say, when no one else believed in me, my father did. So I am, with my whole heart, asking you to help me save my hero.

Update from May 26 2023
20 months ago

Original medical abstract.

Update from March 08 2023
23 months ago

Summarized and translated version of the update:

My dad and cousin went to see the doctor who was supposed to lead Dad's surgery and he said my father doesn't need to undergo surgery anymore since his rectum has shown improvement (he's been defacating more often) and that his first chemo went so well.

He was advised to keep doing the chemo and radiation therapy.

All your donations will now be used for his chemo (41k pesos per session = 26k THB) and radiation therapy (2.8k pesos per session = 1.8k THB)

Thank you so much for all your help.

This page may not be showing much donation but that's because some donate directly to my Thai bank account.

Thanks again everyone!!! 

Thank you God! <3

Update from February 22 2023
24 months ago


The attached photo is the result of my dad's 2nd biopsy. According to the doctor, the stage is either 3 or 4, and Dad will start his first chemo session this Saturday, while still waiting for the date of his operation.

With regards to costs, there seems to be a miscommunication between the costs for chemo and radiation therapy. I will update once we have the exact amounts as the initial amounts posted were just estimates.

Thank you for your continued support!

Update from February 16 2023
24 months ago

If you'd like to transfer directly to my bank account, you can use the details below:

BANK: Siam Commercial Bank (SCB)

Acct No.:  4250115659

Acct Name: Mika Ceferina Salvador


Or you can also scan the QR code provided.

Thank you!

Update from February 15 2023
24 months ago

His colonoscopy result.

Malignant tumor found. According to my cousin who helps my dad with the process, the tumor is attached to his bone, which makes the situation even more complicated.

The radiation will help make it small, but it would cost a lot, and he needs to undergo operation first.

More updates once his second biopsy is done.

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First donor
100 THB

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10,000 THB

21 Donations
22 months ago
1,000 THB
Hi Mika! I am really sad to hear about your father sickness. I wish him a speedy recovery <3 Sincerely Camilla from Norway
23 months ago
2,000 THB
Be Strong Mika!
23 months ago
3,000 THB
I wish your dad gets better soon.
24 months ago
500 THB
Get well soon
24 months ago
2,000 THB
24 months ago
2,000 THB
Sending best wishes for your father's surgery and recovery. <3
24 months ago
2,000 THB
David Siriphon
Hi Mika, I wish you and your family all the best in these difficult times! I hope you achieve your goal, and your dad can have a speedy recovery. You are a great and amazing daughter, and I am so proud of you! Keep fighting! Su su!
24 months ago
1,751 THB
Don’t give up mika
24 months ago
2,000 THB
Nutcha Promchaiwattana
24 months ago
500 THB

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