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help cody with his fight against MOYAMOYA disease

1,014 THB / 500,000 THB
Raised by 1 person in 1856 days
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The Story
61 months ago

Hi, some of you may know cody from our previous campaign for help on GO FUND ME.

Cody is now 4 years old and is a burmese national living in KOH PHANGAN THAILAND with his parents MOMO and WAI.

When cody was 2, In August of 2017 cody awoke one morning suffering paralysis of the right side of his body, Involving his face, arm and leg, cody was unable to walk or talk and was unable to eat or drink or control his saliva, basically cody was a baby again!.

It had appeared as if cody had, had a stroke in his sleep.

Cody's partents MOMO and WAI immediately pursued an answer to his medical problems that appeared to have come from no where. The first hospital that they visited was on the next island of KOH SAMUI, where after an assessment from the doctor and a CT scan they were told cody was suffering encephalitis ( Brain swelling) and they must go to a hospital in SURAT THANI in order to give cody an MRI scan to determine the exact cause and location of the encephalitis.

At this point it was believed to be viral encephalitis.

From KOH SAMUI hospital his parents set off for SURAT THANI hospital to obtain the MRI scan that cody much needed. Upon reaching the hospital cody was in fact given a MRI scan.

once the scan was complete they were informed that cody's condition was in fact encephalitis and prescribed anti seizure medication ( KEPPRA )

At this point, as far as cody's parents were concerned this was the best course of action for cody's recovery.

Months passed and many hospital visits with no more information just more medication, progress became very slow but cody started showing signs of improvement so much so that after approximately 14 months cody was able to go back to nursery and maintain a reasonably normal life style with some assistance from the nursery staff.

Although not 100 percent cody's parents were happy with his progress until the dreaded day struck, Cody one morning approximately 3 months ago once again awoke and to his parents horror he seemed to be blind, scared, very disorientated and completely unable to talk. a lot of his facial paralysis had again returned as well as the new symptoms that were equally if not more debilitating   

Cody's parents immediately took him to hospital and to their amazement the doctor didn't even so much as check his eyes before sending them on their way with yet more medication.

At this point we knew we had to assist them in finding the correct Doctor (neurologist) / Hospital to assist cody and finally get to the bottom of the medical issues that has hindered him and his parents for so long

We reached out for financial help to provide cody with the opportunity to finally determine what medical issues cody was suffering from.

The campaign was to raise the funds for a full assessment of cody’s medical issues from a neurologist. In addition to this he required another MRI scan and a EEG in Thailand's capital city Bangkok.

We can finally confirm the weekend just passed we embarked on just that. We used the Funds that all the wonderful people had donated to help save this little boys life as it turns out.

We are able to confirm the real diagnosis of cody’s condition is MOYAMOYA disease which is a rare, progressive cerebrovascular disorder caused by blocked arteries at the base of the brain.

The first symptom of MOYAMOYA disease is often a stroke.

Basically cody's arteries that supply the brain with blood are too small, thus staving his brain of oxogen rich blood.

As a result of this he has atrophy of the brain and has very few arteries spanning off of the main blood supply. His brain is not growing as a young boys brain should, it is shrinking. Cody has suffered 2 strokes that we know of already and the doctors fear that if cody has another stroke he may loose even more of his motor skills or loose the ability to breath on his own or even worse possibly not make it through the next stroke.

So we are once again appealing to any one and everyone who would be kind enough to help cody with the next chapter of his journey

We have been informed by the neurologist that cody is able to receive treatment in the way of brain surgery to reconnect the blood flow to his brain which quite frankly is amazing and we will post more info shortly.

Sadly with great talent comes great cost and we are asking for your help to put an end to this before cody suffers another stroke.

Currently cody is on aspirin to thin his blood and his anti seizure medication in an attempt to prevent another stroke from occurring until hopefully cody receives the treatment he needs.

Please if anyone has any question or would like any more information on cody or his medical condition do not hesitate to contact us.

On behalf of Cody, MOMO and WAI

Your help is appreciated more than you would ever imagine

Please help us to save this little boy.

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1 Donations
59 months ago
1,014 THB
roy and Lek Hope
We are praying for a miracle for Cody. This donation is all we can afford just now. We pledge to give more help, if we can.

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