Hello everyone. My nickname is Dream. I'm the founder and owner of online leather bag shop, Sweet Tea &Co. this online shop started from my dream. I would like to have my own business and set my life at 29 years old. Also to help me clear all my dept and earn money for growing my dream business. I like leather bag and i think lady bag still have a space to share in the market. So finally Sweet Tea &Co has started. I have a little amount of my saving money from my permanent job. I bought the first lot of my product and I made website as a sales page and created my shop on marketplace. It seems like going to be well but it's struggling a lot. Online selling has a big competitive for marketing. I do not have money for the marketing. For 3 months since I start the shop, it's no order. I have a plan and I know the direction that I would like my business goes but I do not have the start up money to make it happens. For anyone who can feel my intention and passion, please support this small business to run and grow up.
I am appreciative for all of your support in advance.