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Hi this is Ian. As you will have probably seen on my Facebook page I passed away on Tuesday 6th December. As you all know I lived my life for today always. Well I am now stuck because I never saved enough of those emergencies in life. Well now I really am stuck. I have a hospital bill, funeral costs and I would love to be able to help my girlfriend Ell start the next chapter in her life without me.
Ell and myself have been together for 3 years. She has loved and tirelessly looked after me for that whole time. She has tried to keep me on the straight and narrow, which is far from an easy task. Since I had COVID in January she has stopped working to look after me full time. As my condition got worse the cost of medication increased. The Australian Government also reduced my pension because I chose to live in Thailand. So as you can see I really am up sh#t creek without a paddle.
It would be great if you could help us out. All the money from this campaign is going directly to my girlfriend Ell. She is a beautiful person and doesn't deserve to be lumbered with my debts.
Thank you all in advance for your help.
Elle you are a star, and Ian thought the world of you.