Torry Organic farm is believed in organic farming, which could create the better community for the future sustainability.
Alomost 10 year, we have been conducting organic farm from nothing until we can get Organic Thailand certification. Now we are growing edible flowets organically to supply many customers and we have a plan to export globally.
We are creating a job for people who live nearby so that they can return to their home from working in factory and spending more time with their family. We are also hiring elderly for part time position to pick the edible flowers, so they can have better income and life.
Moreover, we have been promoted from authority to be learning center as Young Smart Farmer academy for those who are interested to visit and learn organic farming. Sometimes, we are accepted volunteer from overseas those who want to be volunteering or learning at the farm. In the future, we want to create a space for farmers market where people and farmers can meet and help create sustainable society.
However, there will be several threats to be approached, such as plant disease, pests, or seasons like El Nino or La Nina nowadays.
These are the reasons we have honestly informed to be supported from you. So that, we can make the communities and socities better and sustainable as our vision explained