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Peter Timmerman Recovery Fund


The Story
10 months ago

Dear friends of Peter, 

As most of you are aware Peter has been in hospital for many months. Peter suffered a relapse of his pre-existing psychological conditioin which lead to him being hospitalised and restrained, he subsequently developed a serious infection in his abdomen and was un-responsive for some time. During this period he was resuscitated several times and there were serious doubts about his survival. Peter however beat these odds and has been recovering steadily these past few months in Songkla hospital. He is now better both in mind and body, howvever the long term effects of his treatment have left unable to walk but he is making progress with physiotherapy. The doctor is now happy for him to be moved closer to his home in Thunsong whilst he recovers further.

Lek (Peters partner) has been with him the whole time and put everything her and her family have into supporting his recovery. She is an incredibly strong woman and I have no idea how she has stayed the course through this year. Peters insurance will cover most of his enormous medical bill but it doesn't cover parts of it relating to his pre-existing condition. 

They do not have the means to cover this part of the bill or his ongoing rehabilitation so we are reaching out to ask for your support in anway you can to help Peter get back home and back to health. Anything that you can spare will be very gratefully recieved, Peter has always helped those around him (myself included) and it would be really great if we can return some help to him at this time. 

Thanks in advance for any contribution and lets look forward to seeing Peter and Lek in a better situation very soon!

Kop kun ma krap xx

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First donor
2,040 THB
Meeran OMC

Top contributor
10,039 THB
Bernardus Belt
Get well dear cousin Peter!

14 Donations
10 months ago
3,040 THB
Joe Porcaro
Wishing you the best Peter from San Francisco!
10 months ago
3,500 THB
Joachim Schmidt
10 months ago
1,640 THB
Nella Leino
Greetings to my Thai papa! I hope you get well soon and one day we can meet in koh lanta again. I am here now with my man and my 9 months old baby boy.
10 months ago
10,039 THB
Bernardus Belt
Get well dear cousin Peter!
10 months ago
3,000 THB
Pirate OMC
10 months ago
2,039 THB
10 months ago
1,040 THB
Michael Kevin McPhail
10 months ago
2,040 THB
Johanna och Alexander
Ta hand om er - Peter och Elin. Kramar syskonen Storm.
10 months ago
1,640 THB
Anette Mankolanaho
10 months ago
1,000 THB
Marika & Oscar
Krya på dig Peter! Get well soon!

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