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Psychotherapy and Occupational Therapy For children who have been sexually abused and was subjected to domestic violence.

0 THB / 280,000 THB
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RADION International is an award-winning organisation in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC).

We are a for-impact organisation, providing both short term relief assistance, as well as long term developmental support for vulnerable and needy communities. Our key programmes include child-rescue, community development and crisis relief.

RADION International is governed by a board of independant directors - remarkable indivdiuals who come together to provide strategic direction and oversight for the organisation.

The board of directors are supported by a panel of expert advisors, who provide insights and guidance in areas such as legal, medicine, development and technology.

Our Thai country office is governed by a local board of directors, providing deep expertise to the management team
Our accounts are externally audited every year for accountability and transparency. 

RADION was started in 2007 by 2 Singaporeans with a call to serve communities in places where few or none would go.

“RADION” stands for RADIATING MISSIONS, with the first 3 letters and the last 3 letters of these words, encapsulating what we truly believe as an organisation; that every life matters.

Over the years, the work has expanded, and today our programmes serve thousands of lives in Asia.

Our short term relief assistance programmes (1-3 years) have served communities in Mynamar, Laos, Phillipines and Thailand.
Our long term development programmes (>3 years) are focused on capacity building in Thailand.
Email : ---- Phone : 0636255173

The Story
8 months ago

STREETKIDS! (STK) is a rescue and recovery programme for thai children who have suffered abuse and who come from high-risk backgrounds.

This programme seeks to transform their lives by giving them a safe environment to grow, learn, and rebuild their dreams.

We currently operate two shelters in Chiangmai and Phetchabun province, housing children from ages 6 to 21 years old, and nurturing them in becoming confident members of their community and society.

Psychotherapy and Occupational Therapy For children who have been sexually abused

and was subjected to domestic violence.

From the child selection process It was found that 1 in 3 children in the project were sexually assaulted by family members and people in the community. 2 in 3 were physically abused, abandoned and trafficked. As a result, some children have aggressive behavior. A state of depression, fear, and feelings of worthlessness occurs.

Children therefore need to receive nutritional and treatment care directly from child psychologists. Using activities such as art therapy, music therapy, and care along with life to separate children from risky environments. and create a new life for him to go out and lead a happy life in society

In the case of children in the risk group, 6 conditions are required to help.
1. Children are at risk from drugs (the child, family members and the environment).
2. Children are subjected to physical and mental abuse. (from family members)
3. Children are sexually abused (from family members Consider accepting children into the foundation immediately.)
4. Abandoned children, no one cares about the child's well-being.
5. The family has a problem with domestic violence. Broken family
6. Poor family and are at risk of lacking basic necessities (food, housing, safety, education)

STREETKIDS Project Therefore, it is very necessary to be a center for providing assistance to children in these at-risk groups. Keep away from society and risky environments. By helping provide shelter, food, education, as well as allowing children to receive mental therapy. We hope that the rescued children will be able to live happily in society in the future. and has come back to help other children again

Procurement and budget
1. Child psychologist or therapist yearly At the welfare center To plan occupational therapy lessons to be appropriate for the children in the project. Based on measures from the psychosocial assessment criteria of adolescents HEEADSSS(S) Assessment Assessment of children's mental, emotional, and social aspects. All 45 children in the project will receive counseling hours. 
: 180,000 baht/year

2. Equipment that psychologists must use for performing therapy activities in 3 areas:
1. Promoting development : 15,000 baht/year
2. Music therapy : 65,000 baht/year
3. Art therapy : 20,000 baht/year


The Metropolis Tower 2, 11 North Buona Vista Drive,
#08-09 Singapore 138589

+65 6808 7792
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