“Pyrolysis project for plastics, used tires and deballasting products”
Sustainable development:
We reconcile ecology and development, emphasizing the quality of being rather than the increase in wealth.
The use of Pyrolysis, as we recommend it, is part of a more global process of:
- Soil decontamination (`` technical '' landfill of waste)
- Non-polluting destruction, in particular of used tires and plastics, deballasting …
- Waste treatment (recycling),
- Job creation.
- Conservation of resources, by significant energy production without CO2 emissions.
Give a second life to plastics, tires, used oils and fuels and after the era of fossil fuels. Quite simply by imitating the natural process at the origin of fossil fuels: Pyrolysis. Fossil fuels come from the thermal transformation of biomass in the subsoil
Pyrolysis technologies can therefore imitate nature to transform organic raw material in the form of energy compounds (gas, liquid, coal, like fossil fuels), but much faster.
The technology of this project is pyrolysis coupled with distillation allowing greater profitability in order to convert old tires and plastic waste in a clean ecological and economic approach by the collection of waste in order to obtain its own fuel and gas while cleaning nature.
The key points:
- Depollution.
- recycling.
- Decreases in refined fuel imports.
- Job creation on the site directly and indirectly.
- profitability in 1 year.
What do you have to gain by participating in this fundraiser?
Well, you are participating in the establishment of the next waste treatment plant. And in this sense help you protect the planet, clean up your environment and preserve it for your children.
You will also receive cash compensation :) (fuel) A scale will be proposed very soon.
Thank you for your support.