my name is Don, I am a 66 year old american who moved here 7 months ago with my wife who is thai, and our 13 year old son. I never thought I would be asking for help like this but circumstances have brought me here. I need an operation that involves getting a lower abdominal arterial bypass to correct having very minimal blood flow to my right leg, this operation would connect my left IIliac artery with my right Illiac artery, after the bypass they willi insert a stent on both sides. On top of that I have 3 wounds on my right leg that won't heal becauase of lack of blood flow, the pain resulting causes me pain 24/7, I rate the pain 8.5-9 on a scale of 10. The vascular surgion I am seeing tells me if i don't have surgery in next 5 months I will lose my right leg and eventually my life which is why I decided to ask for help, I would love to be able see my son graduate high school but without help that will not happen . I would appreciate very much any help you can give and i ask that you will send this link to your family and freinds .My family ( Pim and Logan ) hope that your freinds and family can help us thru this tough time, thank you , Pim, Logan and Don Hutchinson