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Fundraising to save Daniel & Katia

232,634 THB / 200,000 THB
Raised by 166 persons in 22 days
Campaign ended
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The Story
95 months ago

My dear friends ,

My name is Masha Zhigunova. I'm working at Vejthani Hospital in Bangkok.

These children were hit by a bus, you've probably saw it on the news, and they need our help.
The bus driver was 100% wrong and they are now in a really bad shape. They need multiples surgeries on their brain and spine. They are 16 and 14 years , brother and sister.

I am with them at Vejthani Hospital where they are currently being treated.
They will be in ICU awaiting surgeries but they really need your help.
Please. I am a mom and cannot see them suffer like this. We need to do something.

This is not the first time I am doing this and those of you that know me will know that these children are in great hands.

The bills are already reaching more than 300,000 THB and still rising every day.

Thank you in advance for your help !


More information about the accident :

English :

Thai :


For those who still think it's a scam, here is a picture of me posted on the Russian Embassy website accompanied by the Russian ambassador and Father Oleg in Daniel's room.


Q/A to the expat community :

-Who are the parents and where can they be reached?

Father and mother both visit their kids at the hospital but the mum is in an emotional state and the father is stuck in pattaya dealing with lawyers and police.

-Are they aware of the fundraising?

Of course they are.

-What the embassy said?

The embassy is aware of the case and is helping in every step on the way.

-What about the insurance

The insurance so far has agreed to pay 380,000 THB per child but we are still waiting for the money to be released. This amount won't cover all the hospital fees that are increasing everyday, neither the operation & rehabilitation cost and this is why this fundraiser has been launched because the parents cannot afford such fees.

Update from March 28 2017
94 months ago

Daniel & Katia can finally go home today !

They have improved a lot and are able to keep recovering from their home in Pattaya.

Meanwhile, a Weeboon's representative came in person to the hospital to deliver the cheque to Daniel, Katia and their father.

As the hospital bills are pretty much covered by both the insurance and the donations, I won't accept any more donations from now.

Thanks from the bottom of our hearth to the Weeboon's community !

Update from March 21 2017
95 months ago

Both children are talking now, very slowly, quietly and word by word and going to physiotherapy in which they are learning how to walk and use their hands all over again.

They have no seizures or any related problems, and are on the way to recovery. However they are very weak and still have to be admitted.

The family is overwhelmed by the Weeboon community support !

Donations are still welcomed as the bills are pretty huge (over 1,200,000 THB already) and not covering all the upcoming rehabilitation fees yet.

For those who wish to watch the children on video :

Update from March 13 2017
95 months ago


Daniel is awake and conscious and doing well, hard for him to move but he responds.

Katia is physically very strong and moves around but is not able to respond to simple commands. She has been moved to Ward and her brother will be moved within the next few days.

The insurance has paid 330,000 THB per child to the hospital but the travel company refused to pay a single baht..

The children are getting better but the family still need your support to cover the rehabilitation costs and a lot of love !!!!

I'm sorry I couldn't take a picture of Daniel as he wasn't in a good condition. He had severe leg cramps so he couldn't stay still and was in a lot of pain.

Update from March 10 2017
95 months ago

The parents are overwhelmed and very touched by your support and we would like to thanks every contributor from the bottom of our heart on behalf of Danial & Katia.

Kate is off the ventilator today. She is receiving medicine and is responding to it well. She is actually getting a bit better and will be moved to the ward tomorrow. She seems to respond well to commands and has a very high chance of getting a lot better.

Daniel is still on the ventilator. He is improving a little but doesn't really respond to the commands. For him it will take a lot more time until we can predict anything.

Regarding the global costs, I've joined another updated bill for you to see that the parents still need to cover a lot of hospital fees so every little bit counts.

I know we can do it !

Update from March 02 2017
95 months ago

Here is their health update :

Daniel's seizure has decreased today compared to yesterday. Dr. Wuttichai gave 3 doses of anti seizure. And it is expected that he will calm down. This morning his sputum culture is negative for infection. No fever. Vital signs are within normal range. Oxygen level 100% attached to ventilator. Still unconscious. Can tolerate feeding 4 times a day. So far he is stable for now. Doctor prefer to do conservative treatment for the moment without any surgical intervention. Still have fracture on cervical spine with neck brace.

For Katia doctor said same as yesterday : stable vital signs, no fever. Still attached to ventilator but the doctor plan to reduce ventilator assistance with her breathing so she can partly breathe normally on her own tomorrow and maybe start physical therapy tomorrow as well. Little reponse to pain only if you do chest rubbing. She has some discharges on her wounds so the doctor applied some pads with antibiotic. Can tolerate feeding 5 times a day. Doctor also plan to culture sputum to check for infection on her lungs. She has fracture on her left index finger and they just applied splint continuously because it will heal on its own.

I'll be back with more updates in the next few days.

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First donor
1,000 THB
Hope they heal very soon !

Top contributor
20,000 THB
lennart olin

166 Donations
95 months ago
110 THB
95 months ago
2,000 THB
Surviving that crash is incredible. Wish you a full recovery!
95 months ago
200 THB
Alena Selezenkova
95 months ago
500 THB
95 months ago
500 THB
Vlad Butaev
Детки, поправляйтесь скорее, родителям сил!
95 months ago
1,000 THB
Richard Schipper
I wish for you both a complete and speedy recovery!
95 months ago
500 THB
Alessandro Minuzzo
95 months ago
350 THB
Arturo Oliveira
Best whishes for a full recovery
95 months ago
500 THB
Bobby and Thitiwan ...
My wife and I are both praying for a speedy recovery for the both of you.

God Bless.
95 months ago
500 THB

Campaign ended

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