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Support family for the first proper house

0 THB / 250,000 THB
Raised by 0 persons in 1086 days
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The Story
36 months ago

Your small help mean a whole new world to us.

Hello kindred people. I hope you are all well during this difficult time. 

We are a happy, kind poor family living in the south of Thailand called Songkhla.

We have been living in unfinished houses our whole lives, we dream of having a proper house where we can finally be safe and sleep well during the night.

To begin with, let me (the daughter) tell you about our background.

Our family consists of 4 people. There are 2 adults, one teen and a little lovely girl. We work as construction workers (including the teen) earning about 280-350 baht a day, but during the pandamic, we has to stop working as the situation is worsen here. So to make a living, we usually go catching fish in the nature, getting vegetables in the big field nearby the area we live.

My niece (in the picture) is very cute, her name is Meya. We are sorry for her to be growing up in a bad environment. My mum, she is such a very sweet and she is one of the most hardworking persons I have ever seen. She loves gardening so much.

We really need some help...WHY?

We have been struggled living in an unfinished house, our wall hasn't done with bricks work, plastering work and flooring. when it rains, the house would be flooded or the inside would be humid and wet; so does all the beds. What's more unfortunate is; we would wake up during the night and found centipedes crawling on our hand or our neck; this happened to me twice. It is still my worst nightmares. And for the normal days, it would be very hot, too hot to be living inside either.

I know what I am describing must sound unbelivable to you but this is what we have been facing truly.

A proper, cosy, small, safe, loving home is all we have ever dreamed of...

Please help us make the dream comes true. 

All the processes after the donation will be updated occasionally.

Thank you

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