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71,558 THB
Raised by 41 persons in 1794 days
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We know that this is a difficult period for many, which is why I would like to be able to help people who receive no outside help: ELEPHANT AT HOME There are families, even villages that resist the call of urban life by staying in the mountains. In Thailand, most of the time; these are the Karens. These tribes have lived with elephants for centuries respecting them: I can assure you that no elephant is torn from the wild; all were born in the village, and there are very strong links between humans and this parchider. Since the stroke of Corona in China, the village has had very few means of existence because the tourists have deserted Thailand: The dry season is very marked, feeding the elephants requires a lot of effort because they have to buy fruit, sugar cane: These populations live in more than modest conditions. If they do not receive help, they will be forced to separate from their 3 elephants which thanks to them so far have been able to live in freedom in their natural environment; while being fed and cared for. I am a volonteer at Helping Hands foundation in Chiang Ma for4 years i, I have known this camp for years, I know these people, I also make this fund raising at the request of many people who know ELEPHANT AT HOME: Thank you for them, and thank you for the elephants.
Email : ---- Phone : 0648355058

Every donation made above 500 THB is eligible for tax-deduction

The Story
59 months ago

We know that this is a difficult period for many, which is why I would like to be able to help people who receive no outside help: There are families, even villages that resist the call of urban life by staying in the mountains. In Thailand, most of the time; these are the Karens. These tribes have lived with elephants for centuries respecting them: I can assure you that no elephant is torn from the wild; all were born in the village, and there are very strong links between humans and this parchider. Since the stroke of Corona in China, the village has had very few means of existence because the tourists have deserted Thailand: The dry season is very marked, feeding the elephants requires a lot of effort because they have to buy fruit, sugar cane: These populations live in more than modest conditions. If they do not receive help, they will be forced to separate from their 3 elephants which thanks to them so far have been able to live in freedom in their natural environment; while being fed and cared for. I am part of Helping Hands foundation in Chiang Mai, I have known this camp for years, I know these people, I also make this fund raising at the request of many people who know ELEPHANT AT HOME: Thank you for them, and thank you for the elephants; The money will be credited directly to the ELEPHANT AT HOME account

Update from April 10 2020
59 months ago

The village closed completely in order to fight the cov 19.

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First donor
2,217 THB
Marie-Pierre Chassain
Sending all my love and courage to all of you

Top contributor
4,000 THB
Mark P
Had a great visit July 2018 and want to help. Best Wishes.

41 Donations
9 months ago
1,622 THB
Irma Rosenblatt
A wonderful experience. I can see that the elephants are well loved and cared for. The caregivers are gentle and kind.
9 months ago
1,800 THB
Shelly-Ann Bryan Ko...
This sanctuary and the experience of being with the elephants was so awesome. Thank you Onedee and team. Continue to do great things!
13 months ago
2,240 THB
Paulina Stankiewicz
Thank you for giving us such a special experience! Good luck with everything - sending hugs from London xx
13 months ago
1,800 THB
Thank you for a very special experience with your people and the elephants. You are all so kind and beautiful people. I will be recommending a visit to anyone I know who goes to Chiang Mai!
47 months ago
432 THB
Amanda Goe
Sending love!
55 months ago
2,112 THB
Happy Birthday! For you, your family and elephants. Because of the great stay we had last year at your home, with your family. For your greatful and big heart. Best wishes for all of you!
59 months ago
400 THB
Rowan Armes
Fond memories of our time with you. We really hope you can keep the elephants with you during this challenging time.
59 months ago
650 THB
Liezl Van Riper
59 months ago
3,459 THB
Andreas Koll
Hello Onedee, many Greetings from Germany. Andreas Angela and Mae Jutta. Want to send 3500 Bhat.
Chok dee Krab
59 months ago
1,500 THB
Pinsuda Alexander
Please take care of the elephants, their caretakers, and *protect the forests* without burning any areas!

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